The UK centre for tobacco and alcohol studies (UKCTAS) is a network of 12 universities in the UK and 1 university in New Zealand.
There are 6 work streams:
- Behaviour and risks of tobacco and alcohol use.
- Population wide strategies for behaviour change.
- Individual strategies for behaviour change.
- Strategies to reduce harm associated with tobacco and alcohol.
- Policy and ethics arising from tobacco and alcohol research.
- The tobacco and alcohol industries.
With 4 cross-cutting themes:
- Inequalities.
- Developing and using innovative research methodology.
- Conducting and improving methods for assessing the economics of public health.
- Teaching, training, capacity development and public engagement.
At Sheffield we have several ongoing projects that aim to improve population-level policies and interventions that reduce harm from tobacco and alcohol use.
We are also using our expertise on cost-effectiveness assessment to examine the cost of smoking and drinking to users, and the cost of interventions to reduce consumption and related harm from tobacco and alcohol.